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Experience this well-built and fabulous handmade hunting knife called the Outback Nomad I.
The fixed blade full-tang blade is forged from high-quality Damascus steel. With a solid and stately Wenge wood handle, this knife is built to last. Plus, it comes with a leather sheath made from genuine cowhide for safe and easy carrying and storage.
This knife embodies the distinctiveness and personal touch of handmade knives. It symbolises the courage and resilience of the nomadic life in the outback.
This exquisite knife is a work of art created with care and skill using traditional techniques handed down through generations. The rich history of Damascus knife making and its significance in many cultures make it an extraordinary prize. As you hold this knife, you can sense a deep connection to the rich history of traditional knife making and the exceptional skill poured into its crafting. It's a truly remarkable piece that will be adored for years.
Get your hands on this exceptional hunting knife today.
Blade: Damascus 1095 HC & 15N20 steel forged
Handle: Wenge Wood (African Rosewood)
Overall (L x W x H): 23cm x 2cm x 3.5cm
Sheath: 19cm x 3cm x 5cm
Net (knife only): 230gm
Legal Advice
PEPNIMBLE legally imports, per the Australian Customs and Border Force classification, all the knives listed for sale. You must be 18 or over to buy this item from this store. We will consider any orders placed by the buyer as placed by persons over the age of eighteen years. State laws bound you concerning knife purchases. Please be familiar with your state laws before purchase, as PEPNIMBLE or its subsidiaries take no liability for any unlawful, accidental, malicious or reckless acts committed or otherwise stemming from the purchase of the product.